Jules Martin

I live to laugh.

We Were Always Meant To Say Goodbye

You were meant to push me to my limit, time and time again. You were my test; the test to see if I was capable of loving myself enough to walk away from the situation that constantly left me devastated.

This Is How You Learn To Love Yourself

It only took me 28 years to figure this out. I could choose to be frustrated that it took me as long as it did, or I can spend the rest of my life accepting the love I deserve and letting go of the negativity. I have personally made it a goal to help as many people as possible realize their worth. The faster you learn to love yourself, the faster you start living life on your terms. 

This Is How You Love A Woman Who Doesn’t Love Herself

When you have gained her trust and she realizes that you do in fact care about her as a person, you will see a whole different side of her. The girl who once couldn’t see her own worth will have seen herself through your love and it was life changing. By allowing someone else to love her, she will learn the kind of love she deserves. The transformation will be that of night and day.

8 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Actually Love Yourself Now

When you love yourself, you have a new found confidence that allows you to say whatever is on your mind. If you don’t agree with something, you say so. You won’t be afraid to tell your manager what you want or what you’d like to eventually do. You speak up for the raise you have been wanting. When you are interested in somebody, you tell them. When it comes to social games, you could care less. You say what