To The Person You Met At The Wrong Time

Ansley Ventura / Unsplash

You were such a mess.

A beautiful mess.

I had almost vanished in it.

The undeniable truth is that, my heart screamed to get lost into you.

My body begged me to surrender into your arms.

With hesitation, I couldn’t.

Something or somewhere dark in my body was pulling me away.

It might as well have been gravity itself that I was fighting against.

I know, you didn’t have to tell me all the things that could have been.

You didn’t have to tell me how great you would have treated me.

You didn’t have to speak one single word to me.

I knew.

Trust me, I knew.

I knew exactly what I meant to you.

I knew it between the silence stares and when the sun creeped into your window and you would wake up next to me.

Your eyes said it all.

The way you looked at me was so pure.

Your body said it all.

When you slept, I had traced my fingers so softly on your arms and chest.

You fit me like a puzzle.

Still, you didn’t deserve the hesitation in my thoughts, touch, or voice.

It was then that you were so far out of reach, I was incapable of grasping onto you.

Just like that; I lost you.

Although, I still remember you.

You had reminded me of a yellow sky after a storm.

Yellow: the color of sunshine, hope, freshness, enlightenment, and optimism.

You were all these things to me, You were like coming up for fresh air.

You were the sun trying to peak in through my hazy clouds.

I was the storm passing.

You were such a mess.

A beautiful mess.

I had almost vanished in it.

And just like that; I lost you.

I don’t know if I will ever find you again.

I don’t know if my storm will ever pass you again.

I do know, you were everything I could ever ask for.

I do know, you deserve it all.

I do know, you have to let things take its course.

I do know, I am sorry.

I do know, I love you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Joyce Hinojosa

Under construction but loving every moment

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