It’s Okay To Feel Lost And Have Nothing Figured Out

Yoann Boyer

In this age and time, we jump in to something easily without concrete hold of any definition of what we are doing. Actions define who and what we are, but we deadpan that idea and accept a common universal thought among millennials: we only live once.

As kids, we were told that we could be what we want to be. We can be teachers, doctors, engineers, and even scientists. I even told myself that I could be an astronaut, exploring the stars and planets, discover rouge universes and black holes. We were told that we could achieve all of these by studying our classroom lessons and pass our exams while following what our elders tell us to do. As if programmed to follow sets of rules, a blueprint, created even before we were born, we religiously adhered to these mechanisms and processes up to a point that we grew afraid to commit an infraction.

As young adults, we were advised that we could be who we want to be, always keeping in mind that we are now bound by greater laws that govern human behavior in public appearances and in social events. Ethics would bind us from doing something negative and always choosing to see the positive in everything. Ethics would also dictate our actions as we take final steps in college, step into the threshold of young adulthood, and eventually landing to our dream careers. Religion and culture, on the other hand, would dictate our codes of conduct. These would tell us that there are certain things can and can’t be, gender identity is a war against public acceptance, and equality is a right to be demanded, still.

However, amidst all the set of rules, the processes, the “blueprint” that can either fit you or not, we still worry that the universe will not conspire for us to achieve what we want. We anxiously ask questions and the more we ask the more questions just pop out. We grow weary and doubtful and we start to think that we are doing everything wrongly, that somewhere along the line, we committed an infraction and we messed up the blueprint that was laid out for us.

We worry so much because a classmate back in college is now a supervisor, or a bank agent, or a registered nurse, or attending graduate school while working on a government office. I want you to know that there is nothing to worry about. We are still young and we have all the reasons to think things thru—make mistakes, learn from them, make new ones and quit complaining. It’s not entirely true that youth is wasted on the young. The youth of today spells out practicality on a completely new level and perspective and I don’t expect for everyone to accept this concept; and we are smarter than what they think of us.

If you have nothing figured out yet, don’t stress over it, instead take it one step at a time. Instead of following the blueprint, make a new one. Instead of adhering to what was pre-created, bend the rules and adhere to something else.

However, always keep in mind that this does not mean that you can hang around the bush for too long; the future is what we make in the present. Finally, no one should dictate when your right time is. You make the right time when you think it is right. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Juseph Elas

Juseph Elas is a full-time online content writer/contributor and part-time author.

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