Now That We Are Over, Here Is A Poem Of All That Was Left Unsaid

woman standing near brown mountain under blue sky
Casey Callahan / Unsplash

Sometimes, you touched me a little too rough.

Sometimes, you acted tough, but I always knew you were not.

Sometimes, your words stung all of my insides.

Sometimes, you made me feel like I was going out of my mind.

Sometimes, you laughed too hard at the things that I said.

Sometimes, you acted so ignorant that I would have to forgive.

Sometimes, you said the wrong thing.

Sometimes, you used my vulnerabilities against me.

Sometimes, you didn’t care enough to listen.

Sometimes, you made me feel like I could never be forgiven.

Sometimes, you made me think I wasn’t enough.

Sometimes, you made me think I was far too much.

Sometimes, you made it so I couldn’t speak my truth.

Sometimes, you made me feel like a complete fool.

Sometimes, your lies were all that I thought about for days at a time.

Sometimes, your lack of empathy made me want to fill you with mine.

Sometimes, you made me feel as if I had to change.

Sometimes, you made it feel like I couldn’t escape.

Sometimes, you made it known there were other girls you made feel this way.

Sometimes, you made me feel that they were better based on the words you would say.

Sometimes, you crushed my spirits when I was already down.

Sometimes, you lifted me up again to make me dependent on you being around.

Sometimes, you acted like you didn’t care about me at all.

Sometimes, you acted like you were the only one who could ever care for me, despite all my flaws.

Sometimes, you made me feel like I had to drink to be fun.

Sometimes, you made me feel like I had to be better in bed to be called your one.

Sometimes, your actions didn’t follow your words.

Sometimes, you yelled at me for no reason and made me believe it was deserved.

Sometimes, your friends would act like a fucking assholes.

Sometimes, you tried too hard in front of them to act like you were in control.

Sometimes, you would act like you understood women.

Sometimes, you made me stand by as I watched you abuse them.

Sometimes, you would make me forget all you have done to make me feel less.

Sometimes, you would remind me that I was a mess.

But, now that it’s over, I’m starting to see clearly.

Sometimes, you made me feel like you did, but you never actually loved me, not really. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jordan Lueder

Writing my way through life, one word at a time.

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