Punk Bands I’ve Been Listening to Lately

Star Fucking Hipsters

Description – Seems like a ‘moderately cleaner, less suicidal/satanic’ version of No-Cash, Leftover Crack, and Choking Victim. Often sing about [government, authority, society], but in a manner that makes me feel comfortable; like a depressed person, alone in his or her bedroom, singing about how [government, authority, society] is bad. Vocals seem ‘crunchy.’ Notable physical features of members include a neck tattoo that, I think, is supposed to look like blood ‘oozing’ from a ‘slit’ neck, and a face tattoo that, I think, is supposed to look like a ‘strip’ of facial hair.

Albums/Songs I Currently Like – “Empty Lives” / Until We’re Dead / “Immigrants and Hypocrites” / “Dreams Are Dead”


About the author

Jordan Castro

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