Johnny Dollar

Articles by
Johnny Dollar
In Defense Of Fuckboys, The Whipping Boys Of The Dating World
Girls have “Fuckboys” all wrong. He won’t leave you hanging. He’ll always be there for you in exactly the way he said he’d be there.
Here’s Why You Keep Going Back To That One Guy (Or Girl) That’s Simply No Good For You
You know the one I’m talking about, the one that drifts like a fakely romantic plastic bag through the seasons of your life, popping up here and there, always to be counted on to turn up again and interject themselves just as things start to smooth out for you.
10 Relationship Nopes That You Should Absolutely Be On The Lookout For
2. Never date a cheater…even if that person cheated with you.
Being A Gentleman Isn’t About What You Do But About Who You Are
What’s a man of quality? A gentleman.
Living Together First Is Stupid
In retrospect I was unimaginably glib. It all seemed like some grand adventure to me. I was young and indestructible. My charm was unavoidable. We’d never argue, surely. We were in love. We both loved to drink. What could go wrong?
5 Questions About Sex That We Should Start Getting Okay With
We shouldn’t have to be ashamed of these things and we really need to start getting over the idea that some sex questions are going to be embarrassing to ask especially when they’re in relation to someone you’re actually having sex with.
13 Perfect Christmas Gifts To Help Your Man Take Care Of The Face You Love
I wish to God I’d had a list like this when I was 23.
6 Ways to Use Your Penis Properly
I want to address some basics here mostly for the benefit of the 20 something young men who grew up watching and very possibly imitating porn. This won’t be a touchy feely list. It will be frank.
5 Things Women Do That Drive Men Crazy
“Almost ready” doesn’t mean “ready in a half hour.” It means “we will be walking out the door in the next five minutes.”
10 Things You Can Say To A Woman
Why are we always talking about what “girls” do? Let’s talk about what “women” do.
14 Proper Ways To Think About What Exactly A Big Penis Is
1. So, the answer is basically anything longer than 7 inches or 6 inches in girth.