How To Make A Girl Think About You Non-Stop (And Fall In Love With You)
Sticking in a woman's mind is a key way to making that woman fall in love with you. A woman can’t fall in love with you if she never thinks about you.
Want to know how to make a girl think about you? To the point where she becomes obsessed with you? And can’t help but feel drawn to you emotionally?
Let’s suppose I met you on a bus one day and we got talking. During the course of our conversation together we began talking about the other people on the bus and I began telling you that I could read their minds.
I then proceed to prove this by pointing out to you the people that were most likely to press the signal button to get off at the next stop …and, sure enough, each one I point out gets off on cue as we proceed along the route.
Now, what would be going through your mind at this? Most likely you would be intrigued by my ability to read minds. You’d begin wondering if I had some kind of magic powers …and the result is that I would stick in your mind afterward. You would keep thinking about me.
So what just happened?

Well, let’s just back up a second. I can’t really read minds. I was just pretending to for fun. What I didn’t tell you was that I am a body language expert. And all I was doing was analyzing each person’s body posture to judge their state of mind …and what they were most likely to do next.
For example, you can tell with a fair degree of accuracy the people on a bus that are most likely to get off at the next stop by analyzing their body posture.
People who:
- Are seated upright
- Intently looking ahead
- Slightly leaning forward
- Have their body slightly angled towards the signal button
- Or a combination of these
…are all people that are likely to be looking to get off at the next stop or two. It becomes easier to tell who is most likely to get off next by eliminating the people who are least likely to get off next (such as those looking out the windows or those who are sitting slouched on their seat).
But you wouldn’t have known this. From your perspective, it would have looked like I was reading the people’s minds …and this would have set up a sense of mystery in your mind about me and make you think about me afterward.
Simply Don’t Explain
If you can display a trait, quality or skill to the woman you like …without explaining how you have that particular trait, quality or skill, it sets up a sense of mystery in that woman’s mind about you.
And this is powerful.
Humans have a natural desire to figure things out. If something perplexes us, we look for an answer to it. We don’t like loose ends. When you can leave the woman you like wondering something about you, her imagination naturally kicks in and begins trying to figure out that thing about you.
The side-effect of this is that if she is unable to figure out that thing about you …you will stick in their mind. And sticking in a woman’s mind is a key way to making that woman fall in love with you.
A woman can’t fall in love with you if she never thinks about you.
She can only fall in love if you are on her mind. So you need to find a way of achieving this …and mystery is one way of achieving this goal.
Build Mystery While You Can
When a woman doesn’t know certain things about you …you will appear more mysterious. As soon as she knows those things about you …you immediately revert back to being just an ordinary person.
Obviously, eventually, this woman is going to figure out these things about you (after all, if you get into a relationship together she’s going to get to know more and more about you). The key here is to keep her in a sense of mystery about you UNTIL she has fallen for you. After that, having a sense of mystery about you is not as important as in the early stages of building attraction in her for you.