How To Make Even The Most Skeptical Person Fall In Love With You
In order to make someone fall in love with you, you must give them positive motivation to want to be with you. At its simplest level this involves showing them your positive characteristics and traits so that they will be attracted to you.

Do you have signs he loves you but is scared?
Or signs she loves you but is scared?
And can’t figure out what’s holding them back?
Most people who are not familiar with the psychology of love don’t realize that the process of making a person fall in love with you involves a TWO-STEP process:
1. Give Them Positive Motivation: In order to make someone fall in love with you, you must give them positive motivation to want to be with you. At its simplest level this involves showing them your positive characteristics and traits so that they will be attracted to you. This is quite simple to understand.
2. Remove Negative Motivation: To make someone fall in love with you, you must also remove any negative motivation they may have for not wanting to get with you. The reality is that a person may like you a lot, but they might be afraid to fall in love with you for one reason or another. And hence they give you the brush off and you never really know why. In this article I’m going to go through some examples of this so you get a clearer idea of what it involves, and how to prevent it from happening to you with the person you like.
If you try to make someone fall in love with you without taking both steps above into account, you will only have a hit-and-miss chance at best of making the person fall in love. You could give the person all the positive motivation in the world to fall for you …but if there is a hidden negative motivation they have for not wanting to get with you – it will act like a ROADBLOCK and they will never fall for you.
Why might a person be afraid of falling in love with me like this?
The process of falling in love takes place in the subconscious mind. And what’s important to understand about the subconscious mind is that it will always try to protect you. So it will not allow you to fall in love with someone that it feels may hurt you. (If you do fall in love with someone that hurts you, it’s because your subconscious allowed you to fall in love with that person BEFORE it realized they were someone that could hurt you.)
In order to make a person fall in love with you, you need to remove the persons fear of getting into a relationship with you …or otherwise it could render ineffective other efforts you are putting in elsewhere to attract them. And the first step to eliminating that fear is by understanding where the fear itself might be stepping from.
In the book “THE LOVEMAP CODE: How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Using Psychology” I show how to analyze a person so as to find out the types of fears this person is likely to have. Once you know a particular fear that they have …you then have to actively remove it in relation to you in order to make that person fall in love with you.
Let’s take an example of this…
For example, if you are known for being a bit of a flirt around town and having had a series of short-term relationships …and from your research into this persons subconscious (using THE LOVEMAP CODE program) you have determined that they had once been cheated on …it may set up a bar in their mind to ever being able to fall in love you.
Because you would have activated a fear in them that you are an unreliable person …and that if they were to get into a relationship with you that there would be a good chance that it wouldn’t last similar to their last relationship. They would fear that they would experience a similar hurtful experience to the one from their past where they were cheated on.
In such a situation, you would need to actively demonstrate to the person that, yes, you had a series of short-term relationships but that you hated having them …and that you are now looking for something long-term. Coming out and stating this would significantly work towards removing that fear in the persons mind and consequently open the way to them being able to fall in love with you.
How else can I remove their fear?
I’m sure you’ve been in the situation where you liked one of your friends and thought of them as cute but you never really thought much about them …UNTIL they began showing interest in you. And only then did you begin having more serious feelings for them.
Why is that?
It has to do with an inbuilt protection barrier we all carry. As stated, our subconscious mind is always trying to protect us. If it thinks someone doesn’t fancy us or is likely to reject us if we were to attempt to get with them …our subconscious will block us from falling in love with that person.
However, if we were to learn that this other person likes us too …it would remove this protection barrier and we would very likely then fall in love with that person.
This is an important concept to understand about the process of making someone fall in love with you. I cover a whole chapter on it in the book “THE LOVEMAP CODE: How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Using Psychology” where I reveal a psychological technique to use on the person you like to not only remove this protection barrier …but to have them thinking about you constantly over the next few days and weeks making them fall in love with you without you even being present.