Here’s Why Some People Just Can’t Resist Rebound Relationships
Some people enter relationships not because they love the other person, but instead do so just to escape from some element of their life that’s bothering them.

Why do some people enter rebound relationships so quickly? What are some rebound relationship signs to watch out for?
Some people enter relationships not because they love the other person, but instead do so just to escape from some element of their life that’s bothering them. They may be:
- Addicted to love
- Want to increase their self-esteem
- Have a poor social life and no way of getting out
- Feel lonely
The problem with all these is that they are clear indicators of unmet needs in the person’s life. They are not related to the other person but have to do with underlying problems in the person that’s seeking the relationship.
When someone falls in love for these reasons – then it’s not real love. It’s just a method they are using to make themselves feel better about things in their life. The subconscious mind is trying to find the person another relationship so they can feel good again …but the result however, is a short-lived rebound relationship.
Is it always unmet needs that are the cause?
Sometimes its simply ego and pride. These can play a big part in 7. The person may feel they need to prove, both to themselves and others, that there’s nothing wrong with them just because they were dumped.
If they can get someone to fall in love with them so soon again after the breakup it serves as both an ego booster and a revenge tactic on their old ex. But what these show us is that it isn’t love that’s causing them to get into the relationship, but other issues that the person has.
What should I do if I enter rebound relationships because of these?
Rebound relationships are not good ways to cover over aspects of your life you’re not happy about. Relationships that are based on an unhealthy foundations like this are almost certain to fail. The problem then is that any problems the person was using the relationship to cover over come rushing back to the fore again.
In my book “THE ERASE CODE: How To Get Over Anyone In Less Than A Week Using Psychology,” I show how to perform a self-analysis to see if there are any unmet needs lurking in your psyche that would cause you to get into a relationship for anything other than genuine love and care for the other person. Only when you know the exact things that are causing the problem, can you begin on a course to remedy them.