A Convicted Murderer Just Sent Me A Link To A Secret Recording, And What’s In The Video Is Truly Horrifying

The figure had begun to lead him toward the fenced-off section of the wall and briefly glanced back at Danny, but didn’t respond. Danny did the twin karate chop thing again with his hands, briefly obscuring the camera as he said, “Okay, not a talker. I get that.”

Another cut to Danny now on the back of a snowmobile, the camera mostly blocked by the figure in front of him. The snowmobile slowed and the engine cut off just in time for Danny to let out an audible gasp. I heard him mutter, “Unbelievable.”

The figure climbed off of the snowmobile, revealing a large stone building that looked even older than the wall it had been hidden behind. Though, still there was no mistaking its design; I was looking at a church. A set of primitive steeples jutted up from the center of its roof and the pathway leading to the church’s entrance was adorned on either side by intricate marble statues.

As Danny neared the building, I saw that there was something off about these particular statues. Danny stopped to get a good look at each one as he passed and every time, the hooded figure paused and waited patiently for him to finish. The nearest statue was of a kneeling man in strange clothing holding something that looked sort of like a sea sponge or maybe just an extremely porous rock.


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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