A Convicted Murderer Just Sent Me A Link To A Secret Recording, And What’s In The Video Is Truly Horrifying

“Okay, so… Greetings to my regular viewers. To either the committee responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics or, if this turns out to be a trap, the Korean hackers raiding my online accounts after the Man frames me for war crimes… I also bid a fine hello and welcome you to press onward. See, it finally happened. They’ve made contact. The guy asked me about Pi Walker and said he was part of a coalition. ‘Beneficiaries of the Edge’ is what he called them. Their job is to maintain the spherical fallacy. He said it was to maintain public sanity but I’m sure that’s a big part of his indoctrinated rhetoric.”

Danny adjusted the collar of his heavy down jacket and the camera shifted with it. He turned to check the video feed on a nearby laptop and then faced the mirror again as he continued his monologue…

“Readership has been really growing lately and I must’ve been on to something pretty big because they’ve offered to show me the edge. Said they’d bring me right up to it if I wanted, just as long as I promised to delete any and all records of my blog. ‘Or better yet,’ they said. I could keep the thing going but pretend like it had all been one big troll and to confess to my readers that I didn’t actually believe a word of what I’d been saying. I told them I would do the first one but not the second. Of course, I don’t plan on doing either. If my guy in Australia comes through like he assures me he can, I’ll be able to keep this stream going even after we’re in Antarctica. Of course, anyone familiar with the Earth’s true dimensions won’t be too surprised by that.”

What I was watching appeared to be a heavily edited version of one of Danny’s Pi-Walker live streams because here the video cut to the interior of a helicopter hovering over a snowy Tundra, presumably somewhere in Antarctica. As the helicopter began to descend, I heard Danny mutter, “Holy shit…”


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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