There’s Something Demonic Going On In A Town Called Clear Lake, And We’re Going To Get To The Bottom Of It

Mikey retrieved the walkie and he let our back-up know we were okay as I began to lead us through the woods dividing the lake from the house. We had to make our way towards Clear Lake’s titular attraction on foot, which is one of the aspects that made “Humbug Hill” such a perfect hideout.

We reached the lake after about 15 minutes of hiking and I was planning on using my dream as a guide to try and locate Jeb’s drainage ditch, but Mikey quickly shot out his arm to block me as I started out from the treeline.

“Look,” he said and nodded forward.

The 30-or-so feet of open ground leading up to the shore of the lake was almost completely covered in narrow oval-shaped holes. That wasn’t hyperbole either. From what I could see, they went all the way around the lake.

I heard what sounded like a woman crying out from one of the nearby holes, her tone weak as she shouted, “Oh god, is someone there?!”

“Yeah,” I shouted back out of pure reflex. Mikey shook his head and mouthed the words…

What are you doing?

The woman replied, “Thank you, Jesus! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m stuck in one of these fucking holes! PLEASE help me!”


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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