There’s Something Demonic Going On In A Town Called Clear Lake, And We’re Going To Get To The Bottom Of It

Grace abruptly removed her hand from Mikey’s shoulder and quietly took a step back.

“Junior’s goon took off running when he saw what I’d done and by then, I was seeing red. I proceeded to beat young Georgie to death with my bound fists… Then I tracked Sam’s voice to the back of the house where there was this huge bonfire set-up near a big oak tree and there was Sam, hanging from that tree. He was beaten half to death and both of his eyes were nearly swollen shut but somehow he saw me approaching and he even smiled as the big fucker standing beside him yanked on the line feeding to the noose around his neck, snapping it like a twig and killing him right then and there. It made the most awful sound and yet Sam died with a grin on his face… I bumrushed the big guy, shoving him headlong into the bonfire and once he managed to pull himself out, he took off screaming with his clothes covered in flames. I was crouched down beside Sam’s limp body, trying to get him to open his eyes, to say something… when I was tackled by Georgie Senior, who had apparently found what remained of his eldest son out front because he started choking me and screaming ‘What did you do to Georgie?!’ His knees were on my shoulders and pinning me down and I couldn’t get loose. My vision started to go and I… I actually saw myself lifting up out of my body. And that’s when I spotted it… the demon standing over Georgie Senior, stroking it’s massive thorny erection.”

Mikey paused to scoff and shake his head.

“At the time I didn’t know anything about corporeal versus discorporeal or that when the human soul first leaves its host body, it is in a transcorporeal state. All I knew was that I wanted revenge for Sam and before I realized what I was doing, I bit down on the head of that demon’s big red dick as hard as I could. I had no way of knowing the resulting surge of energy the demon emitted to get me to let go would also force my soul back into my body or that this same surge would transfer to Georgie Senior, exploding his heart and killing him instantly. But that’s what happened… That was the night I learned there was more to this world than what we can see with our eyes. That there were terrifying things all around us but they were also things that one could use to their advantage if they knew the right buttons to push.”


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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