There’s Something Demonic Going On In A Town Called Clear Lake, And We’re Going To Get To The Bottom Of It

As we reached the second floor landing, I glanced into the room across the hall and spotted Mikey standing motionless in a corner, his back to us and partially illuminated by the moonlight seeping in through the deteriorated ceiling above. I was having a flashback to the final scene of the Blair Witch Project but then Mikey let out a loud groan as he started to urinate.

Most of the tension I was feeling quickly deflated as Mikey sighed and said, “You two might as well come in.”

Grace and I looked at each other and then we started into the remains of what appeared to be a child’s bedroom. The walls in here were scorched, as if the room had survived a fire. A clearly wasted Mikey zipped up his fly as he turned to then offer us a lit joint. Grace shook her head and I replied, “Well, I don’t wanna be rude.`”

I took a hit from the joint and handed it back to Mikey as he slowly approached a broken window overlooking the backyard. He just stood there for a moment, silently staring down into the overgrown grass below, and then finally Mikey said…

“The Eldritch family used to run this town. Pretty much anyone who made a decent living was employed by them. Their patriarch, a bigoted old codger named Walton, had made a fortune mass-producing cheap-but-elegant looking furniture and when Walton died, his even-more-pigheaded son George took over and managed to expand the business nationwide. George had two sons. And while Georgie Jr. turned out to be a douche bag just like his old man the younger one, Sam, had been my first love.”

Mikey briefly looked back to give us a sad smile and I saw that his eyes were already welling with tears as he went on…


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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