There’s Something Demonic Going On In A Town Called Clear Lake, And We’re Going To Get To The Bottom Of It

“Mikey, we gotta move,” I said and pointed to the left. “The actual town is back that way…”

Mikey brought the walkie to his mouth and said, “Meet us where Main Street meets the woods in 15.”

We darted into the treeline to our left and soon the forest behind us appeared to be vibrating; an optical illusion created by the thousands of mangled figures currently pursuing Mikey and I. We guided ourselves through a sliding run as the terrain suddenly sloped downhill before spitting us out into a sun-drenched clearing.

The momentum from our downhill slide propelled us across the clearing and into another dense patch of woods. I glanced back as we started into the woods and immediately wished that I hadn’t.

The worst part was that these fuckers seemed to be inhumanly fast and it wasn’t long before I didn’t have to keep glancing over my shoulder to chart their progress because I could HEAR them clawing their way through the woods directly behind us.


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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