There’s Something Demonic Going On In A Town Called Clear Lake, And We’re Going To Get To The Bottom Of It

I shrugged at Mikey and he slowly shook his head.

I yelled, “Maybe I should go get some assistance! You seem like you’re really stuck!”

“NO! Please don’t leave me alone out here! Something comes for us at night! Something terrible! I think I’m the only one left now! The only one who still refuses to give in but if you go…”

“I’ll be back before sundown, I promise!”

The woman began to laugh and then I heard her mutter, “Screw it…”

A sickening sound began to emanate from several of the holes at once; it was the crack of fracturing bone combined with the wet snap of tearing flesh. I felt something squeezing my arm and looked to see Mikey pulling me back into the woods as he silently mouthed the word…


We sprinted back the way we came and it wasn’t long before I could see the back of Jeb’s old house still burning in the distance. As we neared the raging structure fire, Mikey raised the walkie to his mouth and said, “Lynn? Shut it down.”

Lynn immediately replied, “Come back with that?”

“I said SHUT IT DOWN!”

“Copy. How long do you think you’re gonna need?”

We rounded the house and Mikey threw up his arms in frustration as he saw the sprinkling of safety-glass where our car had been parked. Into the radio, he said, “Considering that hobo bitch jacked our car, a little longer than expected.”

From the forest, there was a chorus of rustling sounds steadily approaching us and I glanced back to see dozens of twisted silhouettes moving in our direction.


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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