The Becky Taylor Transcript

B: Jodi started to cry and Dr. D looked like he felt bad for hitting her. Miss Rhonda started yelling at him and he apologized, but then he said Jodi needed to learn to watch her sass mouth and then something about seeing his dead daughter. Then he cocked his gun like they do on TV and he tried to walk away, but Miss Rhonda held him back. She told him he was nuts and that he should wait until those things were gone unless he wanted to get the rest of us killed. Then he slapped her too and he walked back to the camp. The things had gone away by then and they had taken the dead one with them, which made Miss Rhonda really upset. She said it meant they cared and that was why she was sad, but then Dr. D pointed out that they had also taken the cooler with the rest of our food in it and Miss Rhonda stopped looking so sad. Dr. D covered Tara’s body with branches and then he just stood there and cried for a little while. As soon as the sun started to come up, he made us pack everything and start hiking back.

E: This was Saturday morning?

Becky nods

B: We were only supposed to be out there for the weekend, but then we couldn’t find the footbridge we had used to cross the river and we spent all day looking for it. At some point, Miss Rhonda said why don’t we just swim across or float on some branches and Dr. D told her the river was too rough to cross where we were and that we needed to hike a few miles upstream before we could even try. We hiked all day, but the river only got wider and more scary-looking, which Dr. D said didn’t make sense. He had his fishing pole with him and we took a break so he could try to catch us some dinner. We were all pretty hungry by that point.

E: I bet.

B: But he couldn’t catch anything because something kept unbaiting his hooks and he couldn’t get anything to bite. When it started to get dark, we gave in and set up camp but I guess the idea of spending any more time in those woods with Dr. D was just too much for Carrie because outta nowhere she ran into the river and started swimming across. Miss Rhonda tried to go in after her but Dr. D held her back, saying she was going to get her dumbass killed.

E: What happened to Carrie?


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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