The Becky Taylor Transcript

B: Miss Rhonda. I looked back and that’s when I saw Tara dead on the ground outside Dr. D’s tent and lying next to her was the thing he had shot. I thought it was a deer at first because it had those…

Becky motions above her head

E: Antlers?

B: It had antlers but it was shaped sort of like a person is shaped. You know, with arms? Really long arms and it had hair all over its body and there were more of them. The fire was still going and I could just sort of see ‘em moving through the trees. Dr. D started screaming again and he ran off in the same direction as Miss Rhonda. Me and Carrie didn’t know what to do, so we followed him because we didn’t want to stay at the camp with that thing and the rest of its friends.

E: Understandable. Were you able to catch up with Dr. D and Miss Rhonda?

B: Yeah. Us and Jodi, the girl who had been sharing a tent with Tara, followed him down the shore until we finally found Miss Rhonda, who was still freaking out. She started telling Dr. D that he didn’t understand and that she saw it. She saw it happen. And then Dr. D yelled at Jodi for letting Tara get out of her tent and Jodi said it was because him and Miss Rhonda had been making so much noise and Tara was just going to ask them to have quieter sex and Dr. D slapped her.

E: He slapped a nine year-old girl?!

B: Yeah.

E: Jesus. Sorry. Go on…


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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