The Becky Taylor Transcript

B: You talk really funny.

E: So I’ve been told. If you wouldn’t mind, run me through what happened once you guys arrived at the designated camp site?

B: Dr. D said we were on the wrong side of the river and his live-in girlfriend, Miss Rhonda, she told him the other side was part of a Sioux reservation and that we weren’t allowed to camp over there, but Dr. D said we wouldn’t be able to watch the sunset from the side we were on, so he made us hike back to a footbridge where we could cross the river…then Dr. D found us a place to set up camp near the shore. By then it was late and he made us go to bed right after dinner. Can I have some more of that pizza? I’m still really hungry.

E: Of course.

Erickson gets up, opens door and says something, returns with pizza and a soda

E: You’re doing great, Becky. So you guys go to sleep in your tents and then what?

B: Well we tried to sleep, but then I woke up because I heard Dr. D and Miss Rhonda in their tent. They were making a bunch of weird noises and Carrie, who I was sharing my tent with, she started to laugh and that made me laugh, but then all the sudden they stopped making the noises…I thought it was because they heard us laughing, so we stopped. Then Miss Rhonda screamed. It was so scary. Me and Carrie were like, what’s going on? And then we heard a gunshot and Dr. D was shouting Tara’s name and then he starts yelling at Miss Rhonda and I look outside and I saw her running off down the shore of the river.

E: Saw who running off?


About the author

Joel Farrelly

When Joel isn’t writing creepy-ass short stories, he can be found scripting and acting in subversive comedy sketches on YouTube. You can follow Joel on Twitter or support him on Patreon, if you’re into that.

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