Jim Goad

Stop worrying about good and bad…and start thinking about true and false.

Ode To Bucky Goad

There’s nothing more valuable in life than someone who’s nice to you and means it.

Fun Vagina Facts

An 1813 account in a French encyclopedia mentions a woman with a 12-inch clitoris resembling “the neck of a goose.”

Fun Penis Facts

The Kinsey Report verified the longstanding rumor that black men have larger penises than whitey.

It’s Hard To Be A Homo In Russia

But that’s merely one skirmish in a war that is only beginning. The broader issue involves a civilizational clash regarding who gets to define morality, what’s normal and what’s deviant, and the very idea of Russian nationhood.

Death: Yours And Mine

This is how it ends? This is what I worked for? This is why I fought in the war and paid my taxes?

Pleasuring Myself In Prison

I don’t need being reminded of tuberculosis, hepatitis, and HIV while struggling to construct a workable fantasy.

Spaying The Queen’s English

There are no fishermen left in Washington State. As of July 1, they are all now “fishers.” There are no longer any “firemen,” only “firefighters.” The state’s “clergymen” have been banished to make room for a genderless “clergy.

The Art Of Not Working Yourself To Death

My life has been an uninterrupted parade of having my balls busted and busting them myself—often simultaneously. And I feel I’m the better man for it. Rather than choosing to spend my life fleeing from pain and conflict and challenges, I tackle them head-on as if I was wrestling a gator.

The Pro-Death Movement

I have news for both sides. Guns and abortions are both only meant to kill. That’s a statement of fact, not a value judgment.

The Long Stomp Through The Institutions

I don’t mean to offend any (or all) of you lemmings out there, but lemmings seem hardwired to believe that anyone who isn’t with them is somehow against them.