Jillian Leedy
Jillian Leedy is a marketing manager, writer, and photographer.
Articles by
Jillian Leedy
9 Coping Strategies To Help You Get Through The Rest Of 2020
No matter how many worries and self-doubts pop into your head throughout these chaotic times, remember that intrusive thoughts are just brain noise.
12 Ways To Help The Environment During The Pandemic
How can we help the environment, but also do our part for public health?
7 Easy Steps To Beginning Meditation And Finally De-Stressing Your Life
Allow yourself to think of everything that pops into your mind, without judgment and without emotions of sadness or anger. Accept the thought, allow it to reach its conclusion, and then just let it go.
These 10 Must-Read Books Could Save Our National Parks And The Environment
With the changing of environmental policies, national monuments shrinking and under review, and threats of federal lands being sold for oil drilling and logging, it is more important than ever in these chaotic and ever-changing times that we do everything we can to protect our environment and our national parks.
If Your Anxiety Is Getting The Best Of You, Start Practicing These 10 Simple Lifestyle Changes
Try this exercise in your mind. Think about the things that worry or scare you. Consider the worst possible scenario. Now find a solution for that scenario.