Don’t Send These Emails

There will come a time when you will be faced with whether or not to send a follow-up email to someone you thought you hit it off with, subsequently emailed and have not hear back from since. Here are your options....


There will come a time when you will be faced with whether or not to send a follow-up email to someone you thought you hit it off with, subsequently emailed and have not hear back from since. Here are your options….

The No Shame

Subject line: Checking in

Hey ________,

Really fun meeting you that other night at _____________. Thought I’d be a little brazen and reach out again just to say I had a really great time, so let me know if you want to grab another drink soon. I know you have my number from that night, but just in case I gave it to you wrong or something – I’m 555-2222.

Hope you’re having a great day!

The Angry

Subject line: ???

I’m sure it’s been crazy at work for you, but just wondering if you got my email 1.5 weeks ago and have any interest in the drink we talked about extensively when we met and spent the entire evening together. No worries at all if you’re no longer interested, but could you just drop me a line to let me know so I can confirm in my mind that you’re not an option? You could just say, “Hey, sorry, going to be totally busy over the next few weeks” and I’ll know what that means because everyone knows what that means.

The Passive Aggressive

Subject line: Hi :)

Hey _______________,

Just checking in to say hi again. Loving the gorgeous weather, right?!

Hope all’s well!

The I’ll teach you a lesson

Subject line: Listen…
Okay ___________,

I get that you’re not interested in hanging out again because you haven’t returned my email in close to two weeks. But my thing is, don’t say, “you’re really great, we should get drinks this weekend” if you a. know for a fact that won’t happen or b. think there’s a chance that won’t happen. If you know for a fact please stop talking to me and walk away. If you think there’s a chance say, “give me your number, maybe I’ll call you sometime.” But to say “we should get drinks this weekend” and then not respond to an email for two weeks when I know full well you have an iPhone is just weird. Don’t do it.
