Jessica Jensen
Articles by
Jessica Jensen
5 Things To Always Remember When You Find The Person You Want To Spend Forever With
When you choose the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, remember that you’re also choosing the person you eat breakfast with, experience heartaches and growing pains with, and a person who will deeply influence who you become.
This Is How We Allow Ourselves To Heal
There is a deep calling to self-love within each of us, if only we would get quiet enough to listen, patient enough to try, and enduring enough to persevere.
When You Find That You Are Holding Onto The Things That Keep You Feeling Stuck
by letting go, we allow ourselves to become.
Your Value Is Not Dependent On Another Person’s Acceptance
i hope you fail frequently and continue to try.
5 Things You Lose When You’re Too Busy With The Rest Of Your Life
When you are pulled by goal setting, self-development, and the pursuance of passions, your focus on the future tends to rob you of today.
You Are So Much More Than What You Look Like
You are a giver, receiver, a dreamer, and a doer. You are an athlete, a thinker, an encourager, a creator. You are as bright as the sun and you are so much more than the simplicity of your outward appearance.
Self-Love Is A Journey
Maybe you care about what other people think about you, and maybe you don’t. Either way, I hope you care about the way you perceive yourself.
Because I’m A 20-Something
I hope you aren’t held back because of a number. And that you don’t rush into things because it feels like time is slipping by. I hope you do what’s right for you. Hold on. Slow down. And breathe in. Your age is your age. But more importantly, your life is your life.