I’m A Single Female Looking For Her Perfect Match. This Is My Declaration On Dating.

After recently re-reading this book that focuses on the concept of Dating Optimism, it got me thinking that I need to take a more proactive role in my life when it comes to finding the person I want to be with. And, according to the author, I need to make more of a public announcement so that it is extremely clear where I am coming from, and what I am looking for, so that this world can get it right. What better way to make my declaration than publish it, right? So, here I am, a single female, looking for her perfect match, in a world filled with billions of people. Here goes nothing.

  • I am ready to share my life with that special person.
  • I am ready to open my heart and share myself with another person.
  • I am ready for mutual trust. For companionship. For endless support. For love built on friendship.
  • I am ready to experience life through someone else’s eyes.
  • I am ready to feel feelings I never knew existed.
  • I am ready to share my thoughts, concerns, challenges, hopes, dreams, and fantasies with someone who can appreciate – and share them – with me.
  • I am ready to have conversations that introduce me to new ideas and get me thinking about things differently.
  • I am ready for a relationship filled with laughter. Where we laugh so hard it hurts, and tears are uncontrollably streaming down our faces.
  • I am ready to be with that person who accepts me for who I am – flaws and all, and doesn’t try to change me. A person who has their own quirks, too, that makes me love them even more.
  • I am ready for stability. Where we both have our own things going on, but when we’re both free, the time is ours, together.
  • I am ready to be confided in, and be trusted enough to have that person look to me for advice.
  • I am ready for adventure. Where we explore the world together and make new memories only we can look back on.
  • I am ready to build inside jokes, where the smallest reminder will bring us back to a special memory, or silly moment – where all we need is one word and we’re on the same page.
  • I am ready for that look. The look where I know what he’s saying, without him saying it. Where our eye contact can make my heart grow ten times its size and make me melt all at once.
  • I am ready for that spark when he reaches for my hand, and leans in for a kiss – where my heart is in my throat and I can barely form words – where chemistry proves our connection.
  • I am ready for a future – where I can see us together years and years from now, and still feel confident in the relationship we have between us.
  • I am ready for a relationship made up of layers, where we connect on emotional, mental, intellectual, and physical levels.
  • I am ready for a relationship with happy surprises – flowers for no reason, an impromptu date night, a spontaneous trip together.
  • I am ready for this person to be included in my life, and include me in theirs.
  • I am ready to open my life up to someone else, and to consider how my decisions impact their life.
  • I am ready to feel like I matter to someone.
  • I am ready to be with someone who can be cheered up by me.
  • I am ready to make someone laugh and smile and want to be around me.
  • I am ready to accept the kind of bear hug that I never want to be removed from.
  • I am ready for love.
  • I am ready for the heart-pounding-butterflies-in-stomach-can’t-live-without-you type of love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark
image – Shutterstock

About the author

Jessica Coleman

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