Lucius Marenus
Articles by
Lucius Marenus
The Narcissism Test
“He’ll have a long life as long as he never knows himself.” – The Last Psychiatrist, The Second Story of Echo and Narcissus
What’s So Good About Nature?
Nature has now become automatically equated with goodness, thus frequently cited as a guide for the proper way that things should be done.
5 Reasons Capitalism Is The BEST And WORST Thing To Ever Happen To The World
Is a Walgreens across the street from every Rite Aid, a Dunkin’ Donuts facing every Starbucks in any way necessary? Not in the least, but that is what the logic of choice demands.
‘Conservatives’ Are The True Multiculturalists
Liberals now claim to believe in the importance of Multiculturalism and sing the gospel glorifying Culture, but the words have no substance.
Newsflash: Those That Enjoy Casual Sex, Get More Pleasure From Casual Sex
A Case Study in how not to do Case Studies
The World Cup: A Look Into The Power Of Perspective
The ultimate sign of privilege is the right to choose one’s loyalties.
The Past Is Just A Story We Tell Ourselves
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.
On Friend-Zoning, Girlfriend-Zoning, Hooking Up And Agency
We are living in transitionary times, you and I. The nature of love, friendship, relationships, work and sex are all changing.
Just Because We Can, Doesn’t Mean We Should: A Response
Instead of our culture trying to reform the ways of Men, it now gives us free reign and makes it exponentially easier for us to get what we’ve always wanted.
The Earth Without Art Is Just Eh: Ideas On Improving Art And Politics In 2014
Great Art emits an extraordinary power that is able to transport us to a higher, almost metaphysical realm, where connection and understanding between human beings becomes truly possible.
25 Quotes From Rousseau, The Forgotten Genius Who Created The Modern World
“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”
The Dude Abides—But Should He?
The Big Lebowski is one of the greatest films ever written.
A New Star Is Born—In Saudi Arabia
Al-Mansour says she first began making films because she “had been trying to assert [her]self and find [her] voice” in a culture where “women are invisible” and “don’t matter.”
Scene Missing: On The Ambiguity Of “Relationships” Today
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: you’re out having a fun, drunken night with friends or co-workers and the next morning you wake up staring down at the body of some person whose name you can hardly recall, attempting in vain to put together the blurred pieces that led up to this moment.
Sextremists Roadshow: On Amina Tyler And FEMEN’s Topless Protests
Back in mid-March, a 19-year old woman named Amina Tyler from the tiny, North African country of Tunisia became an international sensation when she posted two topless photos of herself on Facebook.
Lose Your Illusion
Apparently we did not fear–or somehow failed to recognize–the profound damage that his theories could do to our peculiar form of government and culture.
Why Your 20s Matter
While “popular magazines portray a 20-something culture dominated by singles who are almost obsessed with avoiding commitment…behind closed doors, I have yet to meet a 20-something who doesn’t want to get married or at least find a committed relationship.”
The Cause Of And Solution To All Life’s Problems
To me, it seemed to confirm that, while choice is both good and attractive, more choice is not necessarily better.