Scary Words
Scary Words

100 Scary Words To Chill You To Your Core

As autumn falls and the nights get darker, you'll need these scary words to ward off evil.


There is so much power in words. These scary words are what you need when you’re looking to terrify, frighten, or torture your reader or listener. Comb through this list of scary words and choose the ones that upset, petrify, horrify, or rattle you the most. Just don’t blame us if you can’t fall asleep tonight…

1. Abominable

2. Agonizing

3. Alarming

4. Appalling

5. Awful

Scary Words
Scary Words

7. Beastly

8. Blood-Curdling

9. Bloodsucker

10. Charnel

11. Chilling

12. Crawly

13. Creepy

14. Cruel

15. Dangerous

16. Daunting

17. Deathlike

18. Demonic

19. Detestable

20. Dire

21. Direful

22. Disgusting

23. Disquieting

24. Distressing

25. Dreaded

26. Dreadful

27. Eerie

28. Evil

Scary Words
Scary Words

30. Fearful

31. Fearsome

32. Formidable

33. Freaky

34. Frightening

35. Frightful

36. Funereal

37. Ghastly

38. Ghostlike

39. Ghoulish

40. Gory

41. Grim

42. Grisly

43. Gruesome

44. Hair-Raising

45. Hairy

Scary Words
Scary Words

47. Haunted

48. Hazardous

49. Heart-Stopping

50. Heinous

51. Hellish

52. Hideous

53. Horrendous

54. Horrible

55. Horrid

56. Horrific

57. Horrifying

58. Intimidating

59. Jarring

60. Kafkaesque

61. Loathsome

62. Lurid

63. Macabre

64. Menacing

65. Monstrous

66. Morbid

67. Nasty

68. Nerve-Wracking

69. Nightmarish

70. Obnoxious

71. Ominous

72. Perilous

73. Petrifying

74. Petrifying

Scary Words
Scary Words

76. Pigeon-Hearted

77. Poltroon

78. Poor-Spirited

79. Scandalous

80. Sepulchral

81. Shivery

82. Shocking

83. Shuddery

84. Sinister

85. Spectral

86. Spine-Chilling

87. Spine-Tingling

88. Spooky

89. Startling

90. Striking

91. Terrified

92. Threatening

93. Traumatic

94. Ugly

95. Uncanny

96. Unearthly

97. Unnerving

98. Wicked

99. Worrisome

Scary Words
Scary Words
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