Jeremy Glass

Jeremy Glass is a Connecticut-born writer with a deep appreciation for pretty ladies, fast food, and white t-shirts.

I Want A Fake Girlfriend

I’m not one to fuss, but I am picky about who I date so my girlfriend avatar will be controlled by a man who knows his film history.

The Sex Songs Mixtape

The consistent electro beat should help you maintain a solid and fluid rhythm. Keep going for the gold!

A Jew’s Guide To Surviving Christmas

At the end of a long day shooing away carolers, sneering at happy families opening presents, and well, drinking, the silver lining is the little Chinese restaurant on the corner of the street.

My Top 5 Insane Fictional Writers

One of my fantasies involves me locking myself in a swanky penthouse apartment with a typewriter and achieving fame through misguided, yet romantic, views on women.