Jennifer Kurack

I am a bikini competitor, baker, personal trainer, & writer.

This Is How I Want To Be Remembered

I want to be remembered as the one who showed up. I want people to remember my presence. I want to be there for the ups and the downs, the celebrations and the trials, the failures and the wins.

This Is Me Taking The Baby Steps To Get Over You

I delete your number. I unfollow you on social media. I have occasional lapses. I’ll look you up on Facebook. I’ll reread old letters. But there are days when you aren’t my first thought in the morning.

Please, Just Be Kind

Please, give people the benefit of the doubt. Think about where they are coming from. Have empathy.

You Were A Hurricane

I could have spent a lifetime in your embrace until a loud unexpected clap of thunder jolted me awake. 

I Couldn’t Stay

Every memory of us littered the streets of the city, playing out like the scenes of a movie.