4 Signs You’re A Giant Commitment-Phobe


You’re down-to-earth, intelligent, and are so funny that even you can’t stop laughing at your own jokes. It would be crazy not to expect the same high standards you bring to the table from a guy. But the anxiety of pointing at a guy and being sure that he is “The One” is like that from finding out the shoes you online ordered centuries ago finally came in… In the wrong size. Here are four signs you’re a giant commitment-phobe.

You have a checklist

If you have a checklist longer than your list of errands you’ve said “you’ll get to tomorrow” since ’09, you may need to reevaluate your situation. It’s always good to have high standards for your future partner in crime, but maybe deal breakers like “his hair is the wrong shade of brown”, “his pinky finger is too long”, or “he doesn’t like pizza” can wait. Okay wait, maybe not the pizza one.

You have trust issues

Maybe you’re currently nursing an ice pack from being burned so bad in your last relationship, or maybe the first person you were ever with was a two-timing f*ck boy and ruined your view of the male species forever. You have trouble believing that he’s actually staying in tonight and think he’s secretly out on the town with another girl. But don’t let one bad apple ruin it for all the eligible bachelors out there. Give him a chance.

You love the chase

You’re all too familiar with the endorphin rush you get whenever your phone lights up with a new match on Bumble or when the cute guy in line behind you at your local coffee shop asks you to grab dinner next Saturday. You’re the type to fall in lust quickly. You see zero flaws in him and even think how he obnoxiously chews with his mouth open is TOO adorable. But as soon as he says he likes you back, you completely lose all interest/drop off the face of this Earth and move on to win the hearts of the next one.

You’re addicted to online dating

Yes, you think he’s attractive? Swipe right. No? Swipe left. Online dating makes it so easy nowadays to find your next man from an endless pool of options. Even when you think you’ve found an 8/10, you end things early in search for the 9/10 out there. The dating arena is like a Vegas casino, and you’re there to win it at Russian Roulette. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jenifer Chong

Jenifer is a single 20-something originally from the East Coast who eventually made the big move to California after college.

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