Jen Glantz

Jen Glantz is the world’s first professional bridesmaid and founder of Bridesmaid for Hire. Her new book, Always a Bridesmaid (For Hire) [Atria Books] is available now.

Articles by
Jen Glantz

Why You Should Cancel Your Gym Membership RN

I burned 65 calories just trying to cancel my gym membership, just from being on the phone with one person, then another, until finally I found myself shouting at a pulsing dial tone.

I Feel Invisible

“I’m so scared to make changes in my life because of all that could go wrong.”

How To Succeed At Failure

“What have I failed at?” I said, repeating the question to buy some more time. So that I could remember why I was there and who I was with and, I guess, most importantly how the heck to answer a question like that.