Jeffrey Ellinger

All The Gas I Never Passed

I wanted us to pass gas when we were old and gray, when we could no longer control our gas. But I ruined that. I ruin everything. My God, my gas.

The Life Cycle Of A Failed Writer

Be reminded, for the last time, there is no money in writing, at least not in your brand. Hopefully get a job in marketing. Non-profit work if available. Call this your career.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye Goodbye

But what if? What if someone spent years praying that God would send someone they could “get dressed up for and daydream about?” What if they never came?

What Happens After You Delete Your Dating Apps

You don’t go on anymore first dates, that’s great. Yet you often catch yourself in moments of deep sorrow for those who do. You sense their pain in poorly-lit bars across the city like the phantom pains of a lost limb.


And so here I am looking at another blank piece of paper. In it, I see the totality of everything I have ever done