Jay Sun
Borrowing Money To Finance Your Lifestyle Is One Of The Most Destructive Things You Can Do
For the past 2 years, I’ve been investing in consumer debt via Lending Club, which is kind of like a crowd-funded credit card company.
You Need To Start Converting Your Labor Into Wealth
My definition of rich is making a lot of money from your job.
8 Types Of People You Meet While Playing Co-Ed Softball
3. The Guy Who Is Absolutely Terrible
My Job Is To Eliminate Yours
All you need to do is pay a developer to write the software that the computer needs to replace your job.
Real Talk: The Value Of Your College Degree
There’s no easy way to put this. The world, or rather your own sense of delusional entitlement, tricked you.
To Achieve Success, You Need To Become A Financial Veteran
There is a saying that goes something like “newbies know the rules, but veterans know the exceptions.”
We’ve Been Spoiled Rotten By The Economy
We live in privileged times. All of us.
4 Reasons Why You Should Start Investing NOW
We learn so much in school, but we never learn anything about personal finance. Which is odd, considering that everybody is preoccupied with money once they enter the real world.
3 Reasons Men Deserve Higher Pay Than Women
For one thing, men suffer the vast majority of workplace fatalities and injuries.
4 Groups Of People Who Get Ignored In Discussions About Racism
It’s hard to imagine a time when race no longer plays a significant role in society. Regardless of your personal views on the subject, it’s impossible to deny that many people still care a great deal about racism.
The Disconnect Between Feminists And Abortion
I’m pro-choice, but as I grow older, I’m finding it harder to carry that belief.
5 Real Deal Breakers In The Dating World (Statistically Speaking, You’re Way Too Picky!)
Dating is tough. You have to wade through a bunch of crap to get to the keepers. You could go on a hundred dates and not find anybody you’re into.
Writing Off The People Who Disagree With You
It makes sense for the rich to vote Republican because the Republicans support policies that benefit the rich.
Are Things Really THAT Bad Here In The United States?
Is it really that bad for people my age and I’m just not noticing it because I was more or less insulated from the recession?
The Poor And Working Class Of Venezuela Are Not Getting Any Attention From The Media
What isn’t covered in the articles on Venezuela on TC is the fact that President Maduro still has a very strong base of support and legitimacy among a broad swath of Venezuelan society.
Listen Obama, All You Need To Do Is Sit Back And Watch Russia Implode
Russia is on borrowed time.
Ezra Klein Was Right, The Federal Government Is An Insurance Company Backed By The Army
There’s something wrong with modern government…
In Defense Of Corporations
“Comcast shouldn’t be able to throttle my internet connection!”