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23 Qualities Of A Woman Worth Dating


© Epicurean / iStockPhoto.com
© Epicurean / iStockPhoto.com

Searching for “the one” can be a daunting task. And while there may be hundreds of qualities to look for in a woman, my wife and I have come up with 23 that I believe every man should seek after. This post is quite similar to the previous one, but don’t let that keep you from digesting its truth. Don’t tread lightly when it comes to the idea of a relationship. You can be as picky as you want, and I discourage you from ever just settling. Everyone is looking for something different, but I hope these 23 qualities will help you on your journey, keep you from dating the wrong people, and encourage you to not ever sell yourself short. God didn’t create you to settle.

  1. She loves God.
  2. She is supportive.
  3. She is goal oriented.
  4. She is kind.
  5. She encourages you.
  6. She is honest.
  7. She respects her parents.
  8. She respects her/your purity.
  9. She is modest.
  10. She puts God first.
  11. She is friendly.
  12. She laughs at your jokes.
  13. She is someone you are attracted to.
  14. She is always willing to lend a helping hand.
  15. She will pray for you/with you.
  16. She is a hard worker.
  17. She is responsible.
  18. She doesn’t gossip.
  19. She doesn’t make hasty decisions.
  20. She doesn’t have a foul mouth.
  21. She has good manners.
  22. She is appreciative of the things you do for her.
  23. She is always thinking on the bright side.

There is a high chance you will not be able to find a woman who reaches each of these qualities perfectly, but I’m sure you get the point I am trying to make. There is a perfect woman out there for you, so I pray you take the time needed before moving into any type of relationship. Dont’ settle. I’m not a relationship expert, but I’d like to think these qualities are pretty informative for anyone looking to have one that lasts. Thought Catalog Logo Mark