Wrap My Whole Heart Around You

I'm fine except when it's 11:33 PM and I've had a moment where I realize I'm holding space for you.


Ali Kaukas

I’m fine
except when it’s 11:33 PM
and I’ve had a moment where I realize
I’m holding space for you
that I want to skip the eat
and just hit
have your shaggy hair fall
as your feet hit the ground
outside my villa in Bali
and to wake
groggy in the sunlight
from a deep nap
disoriented and brown and warm
and walk with my two walking sticks
to the door
and see you there
and wrap my whole heart around you
and cry a little
and then kiss you
and then take you to my bed
that is still warm
and curl up so deeply inside of your arms
I may stop existing for a little while
and just become you
then I’m fine
but when I think about this falling away
into the not stories
then the tears fall
and I realize I am attached
in this space
to you
and that lets out a small
as I sit on a green couch
and try figure out what to do with you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Janne Robinson is a poet and author of
This Is For The Women Who Don’t Give A Fuck.
Pre-order your copy now!