4 Tips To Make You More Flexible

We all have to work for a living, but unfortunately, many jobs leave us unable to exercise a lot, and we tend to stiffen up. This causes us to lose our flexibility, and over time, it is just going to get worse and worse, leading to sore, stiff muscles and joints. So, how do you find the time to work out and stay flexible, when you have a million and one other things to do each day? Well, you don’t necessarily have to work out, but you do need to take a few minutes at different times throughout your day to do a few stretching exercises that will help keep you limber. You can do these exercises without any special tools, but, if you are looking for tools that will help, such as flex balls, stretchers, etc., check out FLX. In addition to this, here are some tips to help you figure out what you need to do in order to get your flexibility back.

1. Figure Out Your Needs

The first thing you need to do is figure out why you want to be more flexible. There are actually several reasons why people want to improve their flexibility. These include: to be less sore following workouts; to have less risk of injuries while working out and doing other daily activities; to improve your overall performance; to improve your range of motion; and to reduce overall joint and muscle pain.

Believe it or not, the benefits of a good stretch are actually controversial, but we all know how good it feels to stretch. Some even say that stretching doesn’t do much to improve our flexibility, but others are able to show that it not only is helpful, but that it feels terrific. But, there are more reasons to stretch. For instance, if you are not able to get into a position, you need to find a way to improve your range of motion so you can do so.

2. Knowing When You Need To Stretch

Do you know when you should be stretching? Sometimes it is pretty obvious, because you feel stiff and sore. Perhaps you are having difficulties raising your arms over your head. The more stretching you do, the easier this will be. Or, maybe you simply want to get down on the ground to play with your kids, but it hurts to get down and then try to get back up. This is a pretty good sign that you need to stretch to improve your flexibility. The thing is, once you figure out your motivation for stretching, you will be more inclined to do it regularly in order to stay flexible and alleviate pain. Find your motivation, and you will then have what you need to start reaching your flexibility goals.

3. Figure Out Why You Are Not Reaching Your Goals

Once you know why you need to start stretching, you need to figure out how you are going to achieve your goal, whether it be for playing with the kids, general mobility, etc. There is a lot more to it than just telling yourself you need to stretch more. You also need to know what parts of your body need the most stretching for improved flexibility. If you have trouble touching your toes, this is something you need to work on. If you can’t reach an itch on your back to scratch it, your shoulders and arms need more stretching. Basically, you need to get in tune with what your body is telling you. Your body is going to let you know what it needs, and when you meet those needs, you are going to feel much better, both physically and mentally. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jane Hurst

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