Preparing To Care For Elderly Parents

Flickr / Ulrich Joho
Flickr / Ulrich Joho

There is going to come a time when your parents are unable to look after themselves, and you will be faced with the tough decision of whether or not to put them into a nursing home, or care for them yourself. If you choose the latter, there are many things you need to prepare for, and it’s never too early to begin. In fact, with your help, your parents can stay in their own home for as long as possible, and then you can have things ready for when it is time for them to move in with you. Here are some things to think about.

Make their Home Safe

Take some time to get rid of potential hazards around the home. Set up grab bars in the bathroom, smoke detectors that have not only audio alarms but also visual ones for those who are hard of hearing, anti-scald devices for faucets and showers, etc. The safer their home is, the longer they can stay there.

Get a Medical Alert System

A medic alert system is a good investment for seniors who wish to remain in their own homes. There are different types of systems you can look into, such as one that allows them to wear a pendant that has an alert button. If they fall or are ill, they can press the button, and the service will contact emergency services. You can learn more about the various medical alert systems at Medical Alert System Reviews.


The best way to know that your parents are safe and healthy is to visit them often. Not only will you be able to monitor their health, but you will also get to spend a lot of precious time together. Take care of little things around the home, such as watering plants and other little chores, look at unopened mail (with their permission), etc.

Have Legal Documents Drawn Up

It is recommended that everyone, especially seniors, chose a healthcare power of attorney or healthcare proxy. This is a person who is going to make all healthcare decisions in the event that the patient is unable to. Other legal documents that should be considered are a will, a living will, financial documents, and durable power of attorney, or who will take care of a parent’s finances when they are no longer able to do it themselves.

Create a Budget

There are going to be expenses involved in keeping your parents in their own home. For instance, if there is a home alert system, there will be a monthly bill for this service. They may have a home health care worker come in regularly, which is another expense. Help them set up a budget that allows them to afford their needs, and still have money for other thing, even if it means chipping a bit of money yourself.

Get to Know the Pharmacist

Your parents may be on a variety of medications, so it is important that you develop a relationship with their pharmacist. Talk to them about medication side effects, how aging affects their medication, and how the medications they are taking could interact with over-the-counter medications.

Use Technology

There are many ways that you can use technology to monitor your elderly parents while they are in their own home. All you need is your iPhone, and you don’t have to invade their privacy by setting up cameras or microphones. You will receive an updated report every two hours, and if there are any problems, QuietCare will let you know right away. Get them a computer or a laptop too, and take advantage of the webcam for conversations. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jane Hurst

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