20 Things I Wish My Mom Already Knew Without Me Having To Tell Her
1. I took her two nicest cashmere sweaters to college with me.
2. I’m really looking to expand my sexual horizons.
3. I worry about not being as successful as her.
4. There are a bunch of caked hard boogers behind the headboard of my bed from years of wiping them there.
5. I have a radically different view of “binge-drinking” than she does.
6. I’m not actually amazing at everything I do — actually pretty mediocre at most things.
7. At college, I mix my darks and whites and colors all together and DGAF.
8. I spend countless of my “homework” hours scrolling through Tumblr.
9. It’s weird when she follows my friends on Instagram.
10. Most days I seriously doubt the value of my college education.
11. I have a yeast infection right now.
12. I’m not crazy about Joni Mitchell.
13. I sometimes (often) doubt that kindness is always the way to succeed in this world.
14. She has a double chin in her facebook profile picture.
15. I try not to call her everyday so as not to annoy her.
16. I love podcasts too.
17. I don’t care that much about “that article she just read.”
18. Most books I read I still wish she was reading aloud to me.
19. There must always be eggo waffles in the freezer.
20. I like hanging out with her more than most of my friends.