Jamie Varon
19 Little Joys That Always Make Your Day Infinitely Better
When someone says, “It looks like you could use a hug,” and you could use a hug so bad you almost cry a single tear in gratitude.
A Relationship Will Not Make You Happy (So Stop Looking For Happiness There)
Relationships don’t fill a void or affix an emotional band-aid on your pain. Relationships aren’t the missing piece to your fulfillment.
21 Things You Do In Your Late 20s That Teenage You Could Not Even Deal With
You mock the younger generation, but if anyone (and I mean, ANYONE) cards you for alcohol, you’re like the most excited you’ve ever been.
How To Stay In Love
You kiss goodbye, a real kiss, an intimate kiss. You kiss hello and look in each other’s eyes and talk about your respective days. You hug and you cuddle and you sleep next to each other and you smile when they wake up, even if you’ve woken up to that face every day for the past seven years.
The 10 Types Of Naps You’ll Experience In Your Lifetime
The Refresher Nap Ten to fifteen minutes tops and you’re revived, refreshed, and feeling like you just anti-aged. The vanilla ice cream of naps!
10 Little Firsts In Relationships That Let You Know You’re With The Right Person
The first time you tell them your biggest, darkest secret and they listen and kiss you on the cheek and say thank you for telling them and you’re all, wait, why was I so worried about telling them that?