The 15 Most Life-Changing Experiences You Haven’t Had Yet

The 15 Most Life-Changing Experiences You Haven’t Had Yet


There are so many things in this world that, despite their awesomeness, we’ve probably never even heard of. We’ve become jaded that there is “nothing new to experience.” It would take deprivation (like Daniel, the lead character in Rectify, experiences after almost 20 years in prison) to make us appreciate the wonders around us. Re-inspire yourself with these incredible experiences to make you see life differently (without having to go to jail first).

For the nature-bound thrillseeker

Swim with crocodiles in Australia: Because nothing makes you feel more alive — or appreciative of your freedom — than impending death.

Guide and Travel
Guide and Travel

A cable car ride to redefine all cable car rides: Tianmenshan cable car in China is 7,455 meters long and inspires the most accurate usage of this warning: DO NOT LOOK DOWN.

Access China Travel
Access China Travel

The Gorge Swing over Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.: For that rare breed of person who loves swings, but also loves catapulting themselves over waterfalls.

Wanderlust blog
Wanderlust blog

For the rollercoaster lover who has literally never heard of anything as stupid as “motion sickness”

Colossus in England: Riders will endure a record of 10 disorienting loops in under two minutes, because who doesn’t love to pay money to go on a ride that will render you pretty much useless by the time it’s over?

Steel Dragon 2000 in Japan: 1:15 minutes of climbing that is stressful to watch on video, never mind actually being on the coaster. If that climb is bad, the drop is even worse. But once you know you can do it, you’ll probably never be afraid of heights again.

Kingda Ka in New Jersey: Closer to the sky than any other coaster on Earth (this shit’s tall, yo), you’ll drop 45 stories, scream like a banshee, hopefully not crap your pants, and then inevitably want to do it all over again.

For the brave foodie whose stomach is probably made of iron

Snake Wine: Because who hasn’t been drinking wine and thought, “You know what this wine doesn’t have enough of in it? SNAKES.” Who knows what you’ll be ready to try after that?


Fried Tarantulas in Cambodia: Cure that fear of spiders by chomping down on them. Mmmmm, tastes like chicken!

The World Tastes Good
The World Tastes Good

Eat the heart of a puffin in Iceland: Apparently this tastes like a “fishier version of duck or chicken” and you’re supposed to eat it raw, so nom nom, eat up!


For the crazy athlete who’s bored of things like “marathons”

Flyboarding: Because a jetpack that propels you from the water is some James Bond-style stuff that everyone should get to try at least once (even if it’s just to say they’ve done it)

Marathon des Sables: A multi-day ultra run (150-156 miles) through the scorching Sahara Desert (120 degree heat, to be exact) where you will inevitably see a hundred mirages of pools, cold beer, igloos while simultaneously rethinking all your life decisions that led you to this Moroccan marathon in the first place (but reminding you of all the places you still have yet to travel).

i run
i run

White water rafting among glaciers at Futaleufú River, Chile: Plunging through stage V rapids that’ll certainly keep you on your toes, brave these rapids only if you have extraordinary levels of lung capacity or if you’re just sort of bored with your life right now, and are looking to add something new to your “water activities” repertoire.

Paddle Patagonia
Paddle Patagonia

For the romantic who’s looking to spice life up a notch

Dine in the sky: Ever wondered what it would be like for you and 21 of your friends to eat dinner while hanging from a crane 165 feet in the air? Me either, but now I’m really into it. (Bonus: you can also get married in the sky, so BRB going to get divorced so I can get remarried IN THE SKY.)

Dinner in the Sky
Dinner in the Sky

Skiing in the Swiss Alps by moonlight: If you’re a ski fan, could there actually be anything better than skiing next to a full moon in the Swiss Alps? Nope!


Costa Rica treehouse lodging: Reminisce about your youth by camping out in a beautiful treehouse surrounded by all that Costa Rica has to offer. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Costa Rica Treehouse
Costa Rica Treehouse

Break out of your walls and start living life again, because a second chance only comes one time. This post is brought to you by Rectify.