How To Get More Followers On Instagram

How To Get More Followers On Instagram

In order to grow your Instagram account, you are going to have to put in the effort. You cannot spend too many days away from the platform. You cannot post low-quality photos. You cannot ignore your followers. You have to actively resist the temptation to slack because even social media requires time and dedication.

If you’ve been wondering how to get more followers on Instagram, all you have to do is follow these simple steps.

This is a rundown on how to get more followers on Instagram in the shortest amount of time:

Before Posting On Instagram

You should begin by creating a theme for your account. Decide whether you want to post fashion photos, food photos, travel photos, etc. Once you make your decision, write a biography that accurately describes the purpose of your page. Make it cute, make it clever, make it corny — make it anything you want as long as it’s intriguing, fits the tone of your account, and entices others to follow you.

Next, you should think about your aesthetic. Do you want to post all of your snapshots in black and white? Do you want all of your outfits to fit to the same color scheme? The more your photographs flow together and complement each other within you Instagram grid, the better your account will look as a whole when someone scrolls through your feed.


Before you begin posting, remember to link your Instagram account to all of your other other social media accounts. That way, every time you post a photograph, all of your friends from Twitter and Facebook will get a notification and (hopefully) decide to follow you on Instagram as well to see more of your content.

When You Post On Instagram

When you are ready to start posting to your account, make sure you only use high-quality photographs. You don’t want any blurry, grainy pictures that will turn away potential followers. You want to post the best shots in your camera roll. That means you should take dozens of pictures during your photoshoots so you can sort through them later. The more pictures you take, the better your chances are of finding the perfect Instagram worthy shot.

Once you decide on a photograph, you should run it through a photo editing app. You can use third-party apps to find filters that fit your aesthetic, to reduce red eye, to get rid of blemishes, or to add cool background effects.

Never forget that you can add up to thirty hashtags to each post. Just make sure you use relevant ones so they don’t register as spam. Do not copy and paste the same tags you used on your last post. Look at each individual photograph and decide what hashtags fit the best because each picture is different and deserves a unique set of hashtags.

To increase engagement on your posts, think carefully about your caption and take the time to craft language that welcomes comments. You can offer giveaways, ask questions, or use humor to encourage your followers to engage with a post.

After Posting On Instagram

If you want more Instagram followers, you cannot hide inside a digital bubble after posting. You cannot post photos and immediately log out of your account. Instead, you have to interact with other users regularly. Although the precise inner workings of Instagram’s algorithm are unknown, many established influencers report that the more you participate as an active user, the more likely your own posts are to be viewed by other accounts.

That means you should be scrolling through tags that are relevant to your interests and liking other accounts’ posts. It also means that you should like and leave comments beneath a lot of other posts. This way, other Instagram users will see your name in their notifications and hopefully check out your account. Plus, anyone who’s already following you will feel more inspired to like your photos if you like theirs in return because mutual liking breeds a sense of digital kinship.

You can also use the stories functionality to build a sense of community with your audience. Even if you don’t have the time to reply to every comment and DM you receive, speaking directly to your followers through stories or Instagram Live will give them the sense that they’re close to you.

If you’re uncomfortable speaking live, you can post pre-recorded videos and photographs to your story instead. You can use hashtags on these photos or add your location to increase its chances of being viewed by more people.

Once you start growing your follower base, you can collaborate with other accounts with similar themes. You can take photographs together or simply encourage your respective followers to check each other out. You can help each other grow. Eventually, you might even qualify to participate in influencer marketing campaigns.

If you want to earn more followers on Instagram, you have to put more effort into your social media game. The more time and energy you put into your account, the better the results you will see.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

James Cole

James Cole

James Cole is a brand and community builder. He’s the CEO and founder of H Collective.