Over A Half Million Of Hillary Clinton’s Twitter Followers Are Definitely Fake

The Daily Mail is reporting that according to three popular Twitter auditing tools, a large number of Hillary Clinton’s twitter followers are fake. Statuspeople.com claims 15% of her total followers, 544,000, are “completely fake” and nearly 1.5 million more may be fake.

via Flickr - Michael Kovac
via Flickr – Michael Kovac

Of course it’s natural to pick up fake Twitter followers but the former Secretary of State’s account has a lot. By comparison, only four percent of President Obama’s followers are fake.

Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 2.05.06 PM
via Twitter

Here’s the graphic the Daily Mail is showing which was provided by Statuspeople.

Screenshot via TheDailyMail
Screenshot via TheDailyMail

And while that difference may be down to the President having had plenty of time to purge the fakers, it’s an odd coincidence given recent revelations about Mrs. Clinton’s Facebook account. Some outlets of the more right wing variety are alleging that she purchases Facebook likes and that most of these likes have come from two very odd places.


via Flickr - Funky Tee
via Flickr – Funky Tee

And Texas

via Flickr - brittgow
via Flickr – brittgow

Neither of which seem to be likely bastions of unfettered support for the Presidential nominee. But take the Facebook allegations with a grain of salt because while the Twitter account issue is apparently quite real, the Facebook one may not be.

But one thing is for sure. The games have begun. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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