Azealia Banks Hates Fat People, Teens, Grandmas, And Farmers, But Only If They’re White

“The white man gave you the vote. He Christianized you and taught you how to speak English. If it weren’t for him, you’d still be living in a hut.”


via YouTube

Azealia Banks gave an ultra-edgy interview in this month’s Playboy where she edgily talked about super edgy things such as the amount of hate she has for White people, farmers, fat farmers, White Grandmas, teenagers at K-Mart, the Midwest generally, all her teachers, ever, if they were White, and, literally, the entire United States of America. Here’s some choice quotes from this young rascally rabble-rouser.

When asked if she wanted to leave the U.S….

Yes! I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms. Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma—that’s really America.

When asked if her race is the reason people might not like her…

No, not at all. There’s misogyny, and then there’s something called misogynoir [a term coined by writer Moya Bailey to describe “the unique ways in which black women are pathologized in popular culture”].

When asked about reparations and her White fans, she indicated that they all have mansions…

My little white fans will be like, “Why do you want reparations for work you didn’t do?” Well, you got handed down your grandfather’s estate and you got to keep your grandmother’s diamonds and pearls and shit.

She makes some salient points about American textbooks and being a minority, seriously…

The history textbooks in the U.S. are the worst if you’re not white. “The white man gave you the vote. He Christianized you and taught you how to speak English. If it weren’t for him, you’d still be living in a hut.” I could write a book about why black people shouldn’t be Christians. Young black kids should have their own special curriculum that doesn’t start from the boat ride over from Africa. All you know as a black kid is we came over here on a boat, we didn’t have anything, and we still don’t have anything. But what was happening in Africa? What culture were we pulled away from? That information is vital to the survival of a young black soul.

She has some strong feelings on God…

I don’t understand how someone could be an atheist…

But her courtship ritual sounds a bit…trying…

I like to feel them out, and then I start talking about my black female problems, and we get into a conversation about race, and then we disagree and don’t have another date.

And that’s it. There’s lots of easy jokes to make here but what I take away is that she’s someone who’s deeply angry, has a little knowledge, a lot of experience, and doesn’t know what to do about it. But she’s 23. I can’t imagine the passionate insanity that would have come out of my mouth at that age, especially if I’d endured the physical and mental abuse she did.

After her father died, her mother beat her with “baseball bats, bang our heads up against walls, and she would always tell me I was ugly. I remember once she threw out all the food in the fridge, just so we wouldn’t have anything to eat.”

I’d probably be pissed off too. I mean, I didn’t endure that and I’m still pissed off.

She also has a great point about history classes and textbooks. I don’t know a single African American (personally) that has any idea where their ancestors are from outside of a generalized West Africa. That lack of historical grounding is unfair, isolating, and is barely addressed even in college level courses.

However, I’m not sure taking it out on a bunch of poor, fat midwesterners living in the middle of huge wheat field really makes a lot of sense.

On the macro level, the fact that this interview even exists says a lot about Black power in the U.S. as in there isn’t any. Think about it, Black power is so nonexistent that a popular Black female artist can make repeated patently bigoted remarks to a major media outlet and almost nothing will happen to her. For those that don’t know, that’s not “reverse discrimination,” it’s the recognition that nothing she says can affect the current power structure.

Then again, that powerlessness may have a lot to do with her approach as well. Thought Catalog Logo Mark