James Altucher

James Altucher is the author of the bestselling book Choose Yourself, editor at The Altucher Report and host of the popular podcast, The James Altucher Show, which takes you beyond business and entrepreneurship by exploring what it means to be human and achieve well-being in a world that is increasingly complicated.

10 Reasons Why Procrastination Is A Superpower [INFOGRAPHIC]

I often GET INSPIRATION by reading. I can never underestimate the ability to absorb someone else’s life by reading about it. I’m a vampire sucking out their knowledge and making my brain more powerful. This gives me fuel when I procrastinate.

Do You Have A Gun To Your Head?

If you spend the majority of your time in worlds where people are accomplishing incredible things, all of a sudden that starts to seem normal.

Charlie Hoehn — Playing Saved Charlie’s Life And It Can Save Yours Also

“The research is pretty clear,” Charlie said. “They have done experiments. They’ve deprive animals of play—they give them love, nurturing, food, shelter, all the things they need to survive— but they deprive them of play, the animal inevitably grows up to be socially and emotionally crippled.”

Brandon Webb — Becoming The Master Of Your Own Fate

I get this question all the time. “How do I find my purpose?” Some people find their purpose in a fight. In a mission. In a cause… Brandon explained that the people who join these radical groups, or any group, were probably suffering in life. And they wanted to fill a hole. They wanted what any human wants: a feeling of belonging. That’s the powerful force pulling them in.