This Guy Got An Apology Letter From His Cheating Ex-Girlfriend But He Gave It Back To Her — With A Grade

"Long intro, short conclusion, strong hypothesis, but nothing to back it up. Details are important. If you want to be believed, back it up with proof."


Twitter / @NickLutz12
Twitter / @NickLutz12

We’ve all had some pretty bad relationships. And sometimes after the end of a bad relationship, your ex tries to get back together. They might give you a quick phone call, or “bump into you” on campus, or send an “I miss you” text. Sometimes, they might even write a letter.

And — in this digital age — you gotta give some props to someone who takes a time to write an actual letter. And Nick Lutz did give his ex-girlfriend some credit when she wrote him one — just not full credit.

They broke up after Nick heard that his ex-girlfriend had been messing around with another guy. After their breakup, she wrote this letter in an effort to hopefully patch things up. However, Nick noticed some errors in the note, and he couldn’t let them go uncorrected.

Twitter / @NickLutz12

On the first page of the letter, Nick criticizes her long repetitive introduction and asks for more supporting details — particularly on her claim that she “never cheated on him.”

Twitter / @NickLutz12

Weak sentences seemed to persist on page two as well. Nick underlined her claim that she “took all the promises we made and broke them,” and requested more supporting details.

Twitter / @NickLutz12

He makes some technical corrections on this page. He underlines “I just hope to God you have thought about me,” and says that he absolutely has not.

Twitter / @NickLutz12

Overall, he marks the paper at a D-.

Ouch. He leaves some constructive comments, however:

Long intro, short conclusion, strong hypothesis, but nothing to back it up. Details are important. If you want to be believed, back it up with proof. You claimed that cheating never occurred, but place blame on yourself, then what for? Need to stop contradicting your own story and pick a side. While this gesture is appreciated, I would prefer details over statements. Revision for half credit will be accepted!

Good luck,

According to Nick, his ex has no intentions of re-writing the paper for “half-credit”:

She won’t get very good grades with that attitude! Thought Catalog Logo Mark