Here’s All The Creepy-Ass Shit Martin Shkreli Did To Get Kicked Off Twitter

This dude just needs to be banned from the internet already.


via Instagram / Twitter
via Instagram / Twitter

Remember Martin Shkreli? That dude who unapologetically raised the price of medication used by HIV positive patients by 5000% over night before being resigning from his own company after being arrested by the FBI for securities fraud.

Yeah, that “pharma bro” is still around. And not only is he a jerk with no regard for people over profit, he is also apparently a really giant creep.

He apparently developed a “crush” on Teen Vogue weekend editor . There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a crush, but Shkreli decided to indulge his “crush” by doing a few things even most high schoolers wouldn’t stoop to.

First, he created this creepy-ass collage made up of various pictures of Duca and made it his Twitter header photo.


The text overlaying the collage reads, “For better or worse, til death do us part, I love you with every single beat of my heart.”

Oh, and see his profile picture? It is actually a photo of Duca with her husband, expect he has photoshopped his face over Duca’s husbands face to make it appear as if Duca is romantically sitting with Shkreli.

via Twitter
via Twitter

Some pretty weird shit. And his tweets directed at her / about her were pretty gross too.


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Shkreli also tried to defend the idea that he did anything wrong.


Apparently he couldn’t take a hint when Duca responded to his request to be her date to Trump’s Inauguration with: “I would rather eat my own organs.”

This is gross behavior because we all know Shkreli isn’t acting on a crush. He is targeting and harassing a strong woman who penned the amazing piece Donald Trump is Gaslighting America — which is an article that attacks a politician Shkreli openly admires.

Since rebutting Shkreli on Twitter, and getting him flagged for banning, Duca has been subject to a horrendous amount of harassment.

It’s crazy to think that this is the response a woman gets for defending herself against an obnoxious man’s creepy advances in 2017, and still some people believe that it’s feminism has gone “too far.”

As it turns out, this isn’t the first time Shrekli has harassed women on Twitter either. He once claimed Observer writer Dana Schwartz was his girlfriend, and co-opted her photo for his Twitter profile pic.

This dude just needs to be banned from the internet already. Thought Catalog Logo Mark