Here Is Bernie Sanders’ Hopeful Message For Everyone Dreading Trump’s Presidency

Bernie Sanders has not given up.


As millions Americans helplessly watch one of our nation’s biggest popular vote losers become President, Bernie Sanders has a message for us:

“We are not giving up.”

In a very short video message, Senator Sanders rallies all Americans who might feel anxiety about the incoming administration.

See for yourself:

“Today is going to be a tough day for millions of Americans, including myself. But our response has got to be not to throw up our hands in despair, not to give up. But in fact, to fight back as effectively and as vigorously as we can.

And our job is to keep our eyes on the prize. And the prize is that we will continue fighting for a government that represents all of us — and not just the 1%. And we’re going to go forward in the fight for economic, social, environmental, and racial justice. That’s who we are, that’s what we’re going to do, and we are not giving up.”

Thank you for fighting for us Bernie. Thought Catalog Logo Mark