This Mom Texted Video Of Their Dead Toddler To Father With Laughing Emojis After Allegedly Killing Him

These text messages from the mother are horrific.


Left Image: via Facebook Right Image: Recreation of text message based on reported evidence
Left Image: via Facebook Right Image: Recreation of text message based on reported evidence
Left: via Facebook
Right: Recreation of text message based on police evidence

A Pennsylvania mother is being accused of smothering her 17-month-old child to death, attempting to do the same to her two-year-old daughter, and sending a video to the children’s father with her giddily describing the murders.

21-year-old Christian Clark was tired of watching her children when their father was at work, and decided to get them out of her life for good. Around 8:25PM the night of the murder, Clark texted father Andre Price, accusing him of cheating and saying (perhaps because of this alleged infidelity) she didn’t want the children at her apartment for a moment longer.

The texts became more hostile over the course of an hour. Here are the raw message transcripts according to police affidavits:

CLARK: “Ya kids ain’t safe here”

CLARK: “I don’t want them here. Answer me or I’m going to jail for child endangerment”

Around 10:01PM, Clark texted her most blatant threat yet:

CLARK: “I’m killing them” 😂

Police specifically note the presence of the gleeful laughing emoji.

At this point, Price is only periodically responding as he is apparently still at work. According to police, at one point Price demands that she “leave them alone.”

Clark apparently ignored this request, and proceeded to smother both of the children’s faces into bed pillows for prolonged periods of time (Clark claims it was only for “a minute”). She then sent Price photos and video footage of both children face down on the mattress.

CLARK: “I wasn’t even gonna send you videos but pretty sure ya son is legit dead”

CLARK: “I’m going to jail either way”

CLARK: “Hope it was worth it”

A little bit after 11:00pm, Clark appears to have some remorse for her actions, texting the following to Price:

CLARK: “I really snapped this time”

Price then asked Clark to try to “wake up” their son.

PRICE: I said hold him!

But it was too late.

CLARK: “It’s okay I’m dialing 911”

PRICE: “You need to if he dead”

CLARK: “I am”

CLARK: “Sorry I did this”

CLARK: “I didn’t mean to”

Clark and Price’s son, Andre Price III, was transported to the hospital around 11:40pm and pronounced dead on arrival. Clark initially told investigators that she “found” her son smothered to death. She eventually admitted that she was responsible for his death.

Clark is current interned as Allegheny County Jail. The daughter is expected to make a full recovery with trial date pending.


Father Andre Price has now also been brought in on charges based on his inaction in response to the texted threats against his children by Christian Clark. He is accused of endangering the welfare of a child. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Full texting logs:

Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit
Police Affidavit