This Gay Man Was Beaten Because, According To Attacker: ‘We Have A New President, Faggot’

Conservatives are professional deniers, however, and still insist the attack was a hoax and that President Trump will be "great for the gays."


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UPDATE: Local police have stated that they were unable to verify this story. Snopes, looking at the evidence, called it “unproven.”

There is a reason that members of the LGBTQ+ community — among other minority groups — were defiantly fearful of a President Trump.

This is the reason.

We argued that his divisive, anti-American rhetoric would embolden people who wanted to commit hate crimes and violence against people who were different from them.

It has.

Bhaveek N. Makan reported on Twitter about his friend Chris Ball who was attacked for being gay, not long after the annoucement of Donald J. Trump as our next President.

A little more context to the story and what exactly happened:

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The story was also posted by Chris’ friend, K.C. MacPherson:

According to these reports, Chris was on a date with a guy when a total stranger noticed. This stranger assaulted Chris, saying that, “We have a new President, faggot!”

Some conservatives tried to dismiss this as some kind of hoax, but there is also a Facebook post from Avery Kentis, who accompanied Chris to the emergency room.


And posts from Chris himself on Facebook:

Conservatives are professional deniers, of course, so many still insist the attack was a hoax and that President Trump will be “great for the gays.”

The worst may be happening. All we can do is buckle up, batten down the hatches, and look out for each other. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Chris is expected to make a full recovery:

We will resist this, and love will endure. Best wishes of recovery and happiness to Chris. Thought Catalog Logo Mark