Here's The Creepiest Wikipedia Article From Every State

Here’s The Creepiest Wikipedia Article From Every State


Lizzie Borden


On the morning of August 4th, 1892, Abby and Andrew Borden were killed in their home. When police examined the bloody scene, they brought daughter Lizzie Borden in for questioning. While her stories were often contradictory and erratic, a trial by jury found her not guilty of murder. The details of her life, and this case, are insanely disturbing.


Lizzie appeared at the inquest hearing on August 8. Lizzie’s behavior was erratic, and she often refused to answer a question even if the answer would be beneficial to her. She often contradicted herself, such as claiming to have been in the kitchen reading a magazine when her father arrived home, then claiming to have been in the dining room doing some ironing, and then claiming to have been coming down the stairs. She had also claimed to have removed her father’s boots and put slippers on him despite police photographs clearly showing Andrew wearing his boots. (KEEP READING)


Nain Rouge


Originating from overseas in Normandy, the rogue is said to be either a protector of the city of Detroit, or a bringer of doom. Whichever he is, he remains spooky AF.


Jane Dacy of East Elizabeth Street was at home performing errands one evening in October of 1872 when she entered a dark room and saw what the Detroit Free Presscalled a ghost. However, the description of “blood-red eyes, long teeth and rattling hoofs” seems more akin to the famed Nain Rouge than a mere specter. The fright of seeing the creature caused Dacy to faint and become bed-ridden.

Another woman claimed to have been attacked in 1884, and described the creature as resembling, “a baboon with a horned head … brilliant restless eyes and a devilish leer on its face.” Another attack was reported in 1964. (KEEP READING)


Jacob Wetterling


11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped in October 1989 while biking home from a convenience store. He and some friends were ambushed by an armed man, and while his friends were allowed to run free, he was kidnapped by the man.

An investigation lasted over 27 years before Jacob’s murderer was found.


Danny Heinrich, who was wearing a stocking cap mask and was armed with an unloaded revolver, came out of a driveway and ordered the boys to throw their bikes into a ditch and lie face down on the ground. He then asked each boy his age. Jacob’s brother was told to run toward a nearby wooded area and not look back or else he would be shot. Heinrich then demanded to view the faces of the two remaining boys. He picked Jacob, and told his friend to run away and not look back otherwise he would shoot.This was the last time Jacob was ever seen alive. (KEEP READING)


Redhead murders


A string of unsolved killings from the 1970s to the 1990s involved a series of brutally murdered redheaded women. The perp is assumed to still be at-large today.


On 1 January 1985, another victim was found near Jellico, Tennessee, in Campbell County on interstate 75. Although her murder occurred three days before, presumably on December 30, 1984, she was already in an advanced state of decomposition. Like the others, she was white and had short red hair, which was somewhat curly. She was likely between the ages of 17 and 25, although she may have been as old as 30 at the time she was murdered. The victim was found clothed, with a tan pullover, a shirt and jeans. The Jane Doe had green or hazel eyes, which could not be positively confirmed as a certain color because of the state of her body. The young woman also had freckles, various scars and burn marks on her body and was two and a half to five months pregnant when murdered by an undisclosed method. (KEEP READING)


The Spooklight


A light has sporadically been seen over the hills in the small town of Hornet, Missouri for over one-hundred years. While it has never hurt anybody, no-one has ever been able to come up with an ironclad explanation for it.


Aficionados say the best chances for spotting the light occur after dark when parked on Oklahoma East 50 Road, four miles south of the three-state junction of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma in Ottawa County, Oklahoma and looking to the west. You must sit very silently. The light has been seen in backyards of the area and has been spotted both near to and far away from sightseers. Its color is also not consistent: some eyewitnesses report a greenish glow while others describe it as orange, red, yellow, or even blue. It is almost always said to be in the shape of a ball, although some say it more resembles a camping lantern traveling a couple of feet off the ground. (KEEP READING)

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Jacob Geers

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