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These People Applauding Donald Trump’s ‘Grab Em By The Pussy’ Comments Prove Deplorables Are Real

Hillary Clinton was right about the "basket of deplorables." Here they are:


Last winter, Donald Trump famously said that he could, “shoot someone on fifth avenue, and he wouldn’t lose any voters.”

That appalling line is now being put the the test with the release of disturbing audio that shows Donald Trump bragging about trying to f*ck a married woman, and committing sexual assault by “grabbing women by the pussy” without consent.

As this story has caught fire in the media, some Trump supporters have backed away from the Republican nominee. Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Senator Mike CrapoSenator Kelly Ayotte, among others, have said that they will no longer cast their ballots for Donald Trump.

Other Trump loyalists are condemning the remarks, but not the man. Today, Congressman Paul Ryan cancelled an event with Trump and called the remarks “disgusting” while not withdrawing his endorsement.

Some of his supporters, however, are actually coming to his defensive on the sexist, repulsive comments. Some are actually applauding the comments.

A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was attacked by the Trump campaign for suggesting that a certain number of his supporters were “deplorables.” However, when you read these posts from social media, I think you’ll find it difficult to call them anything else.

Here are the people applauding Trump’s disgusting remarks from the leaked 2005 footage:






The actual fallout from the comments is not yet known. No polling has been commissioned and completed since the comments were made public. But at this point we must all agree, this deplorable man cannot, cannot become President. Thought Catalog Logo Mark